Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Paulette Coppin Perform the American Classics

“Singing frees the soul and allows people to share an inner part of them with others.” as quoted by vocalist Paulette Coppin was a precursor to the tribute paid in an ambitious performance celebrating classical African- American composers at the South Oxford Space on the 28th of February. Last year President Obama was elected to the United States of America highest political office sounding a milestone in history and Paulette Coppin has reverberated the same impact with her tribute to Classical African- American composers often relegated to obscure footnote references. With equal devotion to female and male composers from the eighteenth to the twentieth century Paulette Coppin showcases the diversity, technical proficiency, artistic prowness and divinely inspired works of one of America’s greatest natural resources.

Black History Month withstanding Paulette Coppin’s acute research into the realms of what publically at one time remained oblique to America is the rich musical and lyrical tapestry to present the haunting brilliance of Betty Jackson Kings’ penned The Pledge, becoming engulfed in Little Black Boy indelibly crafted by Virgina Lowe and unmercifully swooned by the deft arrangements of Hall Johnson’s Ride on King Jesus. Paulette Coppin’s svelte soprano instrument reels in the time worn oppression at the same time booming regal imminence with Watch and Pray arranged by composer Undine Smith Moore. Her namesake Undine recalls the hypnotic depths of the unseen pull of the ocean and the universal gyrations from beneath touching an unsuspecting audience with her artistry.

As a performer Paulette Coppin became more demonstrative daring the audience embellished with an eclectic mix of ethnicities and ages from sectarians to infants coddled to sweet reverie to grab the torch for themselves and sing inside of their souls. Shedding stoic movements Paulette Coppin outstretched her hands and became enveloped in her rendition of His Name is So Sweet arranged by Hall Johnson to free her soul and graciously share her passion with the maturity of vocalist well past her years. Relishing each note of Bye and Bye arranged by Harry Thacker Burleigh, most known for his spiritual “Deep River,” Paulette Coppin flourished and graced each chord with a silent passion that rolled upon the shores of the audience immersing us all with why this music is truly an American treasure.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Take Part in the Solution!!!

Heritage Health and Housing , Inc, presents
A Stake Holder Symposium on HIV/AIDS:
Advancing the Message of Crisis to Communities of Color

Thursday, June 28th, 2007 8:00 am- 5:00 p.m.

Columbia University, Lerner Hall, Roone Arledge Auditorium
Broadway at 114th Street

Among the goals of the event is to present an up-to-date picture of the HIV/AIDS crisis and how it is impacting peoples of color, strategies that may have failed, and new approaches that may be emerging. Another goal of the symposium is to empower caregivers with up to date information and to give the various institutes an opportunity to disseminate their message at points of contact with the community. Reserve your seat today!

Price: $40 Pre-Registration $50 On-Site Registration

Payment by Charge Cards or Debit Cards is available through Baobab Way Enterprises, contact (212) 866-2600, ext.17

CME Credits provided through clinical directors network

Do you know the fastest rising HIV infected group?

Symposium HIV and Peoples of Color- June 28th!!

Get involved and contribute towards making solutions for all peoples of color.


Looking for talent and models to create a visual media campaign for the new IGNITE Upcoming Season.... Contact Charly TALKING SHIII with CHarlene is still in production but we are now looking for talent and people to interview on ROSES our newest featured entertainer.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Updates-Artist Needed for Upcoming Events

Welcome back to everyone. So many things have happened and in a positve way. First of Charly has evolved to the MOCHA Project in Rochester. He will be bringing his unique and creative impressions there . We are still having many events here. In April we will be shooting some short films and will need talent to do so. If you want to tell a story just sign and and make it happen.

Leave your name, contact information- Phone and email so we can set up appointments for you.

" Your birthright is excellence. Demand it in life and from yourself." WB

Friday, August 11, 2006

Kemmel Center Kee Kee

There will be a Kee Kee at the Kemmel Center across from the Washington Square Park

Time: 3 pm until 8 pm

Friday, June 02, 2006

Fashion SHow Sign up

Don't forget that it is time to sign up for the Fashion Show Committee. If you want to be involved call Charly

Entertainment Employment Opportunities for Artist

Entertainment Employment Opportunities for Artist


It has been a few weeks since the last update but I wanted to share with you some opportunities to make a living in the Arts. Everyone will not or aspires to be talent and in lieu of that I am posting this information for you to pass on to others and consideration for yourself.
For those artist out there consider Set design, IT support, or Scene creators. These fields command an excellent salary and options for travel or stationary work. Some basic skills needed for these careers are knowledge of power tools, table saw,carpentry, and mathematical ability along with spatial /design ability. In order to thrive in these fields one needs some valuable building and communication skills topped off with a healthy dose of humility, adaptability, listening and interpersonal skills. In addition the ability to meet deadlines and resourcefulness are mandatory.
Once these careers were segregated by nepotism and discrimination but have since opened the playing field to all ethnicities. It is just as important to have films, plays and productions that feature ethnics in front and behind the camera.
The Brooklyn Young Filmmakers Center featured a program to highlights these area. Tracye Gardner the Director the center presented and mediated over the function. Her insightful and pragmatic approach to careers in the Arts spilled over into the audience. The speakers were Thom De Jesu of Daddy-O Productions, who designs and fabricates sets for film, TV and stage located in Brooklyn Navy Yard. He presented a pulled back the covers on the secrets that make sets appear realistic and how they created it.
Tina Bell, Production Coordinator at Stiegelbauer Associates in the Brooklyn Navy Yard has the distinction of being an African-American Woman who leads one of the largest national houses. Her matter of fact style gave you the nuts and bolts of how creativity and workmanship create the formula for success. Saturday Night Live would request 12-20 sets that needed to be built, created and packed within a very short time. She works with Set Designers, Costume and Wardrobe, Directors, Producers and union workers all just to replicate a set for a scene. Some of the challenges are being given a piece of fabric and being told the room should look like this. Her top knot's team then creates it without stepping on narcisstic lapels or control freaks. Give this woman a medal. Expect to start work at 7 a.m. and leave sometimes at 2:30 a.m. but the payoff is worth it for working with major venues like ABC, CBS, Saturday Night LIve and Daytime Serials Guiding Light and As the World Turns just to name a few. With a good work ethic and solid communication skills you can write your own ticket.
Chris Higgens, Professor of Scenic Technology in the Entertainment Department at NYC City College of Technology, has over 20 years of experience as a technical director and carpenter in Broadway shows, regional theater, summer stock and commercial scene shops. His background as a teacher gives him the edge in developing apprentices for master trades. He highly recommends doing theater as well as every production you can get your hands on. He also has a 2 week welding class to further increase your expertise.

Where to Start:
If you are interested in any of these careers you can join the apprentice Program 718-252-8777 and ask for Terry Ryan. This is a three year program and will carve a niche for you in the industry for major and independent productions.
You can also contact the Local 829 union for information or Local 52.

Another good place to start is by doing industry jobs and they can be found at the Motion Picture Theatre Directory or 212-245-0969

For further information contact Brooklyn Young Filmmakers Center,718-935-0490

Monday, April 10, 2006

No Meeting This Friday!!

There is no meeting for DAIGNITE this Friday.

Continue to be creative and be ready for the next meeting with your artistis visions . From our last panel discussion we had some inspired ideas. Now it is time for these ideas to find their home on terra firma. Bring your plans to the next meeting and be ready.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Calling All Artist

From Performance to Print is a 10 workshop series> combining spoken word, playwriting, and bookmaking. The series aimsto develop writing and performance skills and then self-publish thewriting in handmade books. The workshop culminates in a reading and exhibition of books called Paper Shed from Word. The workshops also aimto pass on the economic skills necessary to make a living as aspoken word artist, playwright, and / or bookmaker via conversations> about submitting, publishing, producing, booking, and promoting artistic work.

The series is free. All workshops are on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM at Booklyn in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. March 14 – Journal Making,March 21 – Our Books, Ourselves> March 28 – The Book as the Body> April 11 – The Book as a Gift> April 18 - The 5 Minute Play(erz)> April 25 - Truth, Memory, and Imagination in> Playwriting, May 9 - 4th Wall Breakin' May 16 – Computer vs. Paste Up May 23 – Book Design> May 30 – Editioning, June 6 Paper Shed from Word.
The spoken word and playwriting workshops will be led by writers of color: Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai, spoken word artist; and Andre Lancaster, playwright. The bookmaking workshops will be led by white bookmaker, Jamie Munkatchy. The workshops are designed for but not exclusive to artists of color under the age of 30 to encourage the development of artists who are typically marginalized and> underrepresented in the literary, theatrical, and bookmaking fields.
Ten applicants will be selected for the workshop> series: five artists between the ages of 14 and 22 and five artists> between the ages of 23 and 30 Artist Bios> > Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai is a Chinese/Taiwanese American spoken word artist who strengthens cultural pride and survival throughhow she lives and how she spits. She has been featured at over 125> performances across > the country including venues like the Nuyorican Poets Café, the House of Blues, the Apollo Theater in Harlem, and two> seasons of “Russell Simmons Presents HBO Def Poetry.” Splitting her homes between Chicago and New York, Kelly also tours nationally with Mango Tribe and “We Got Issues!” She is the author of two chapbooks Inside Outside Outside Inside and Thought Crimes. Her first full-length play, “Murder the Machine.” will be excerpted at Chicago’s first Hip Hop Theater Festival in Spring 2006. More about Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai. /playwright/rebel Andre Lancaster creates imaginative theatre that presents worldvisions where theatre is healing, healing is art, and art is resistance. In 2004 Descendants of Freedom: a futuristic queer hip hop odyssey [} premiered at Brooklyn’s BRIC Studio, Sputnik Bar+Lounge, and SoHo’s Queer@HERE Theatre > Festival. Selected into Columbia University’s Our Word Playwriting Workshop in Spring 2005. He has facilitated his> playwriting workshop - I am a Writer - for a local group of writers in> Brooklyn and at the Sadie Nash Leadership Project. Jamie Munkatchy is a bookmaker and teacher. To pay the bills she does the accounting at Booklyn. She makes handmade books> under the press names: Jim and Betty Books and White Chocolate Blunt Press. She published two editions of Andre Lancaster’s descendants of Freedom and an artists’ edition of Consensual Genocide by poet Leah Piepzna- Samarsinha. She currently runs the Open Studio, a> labor exchange, at Booklyn

Application Deadline is February 24, 2006 If you need hard copies of the application or have trouble downloading the application, please call Jamie at> 718-383-9621. Send > completed applications via email to or by mail to: Booklyn> 37 Greenpoint Avenue> Brooklyn, NY 11222 This workshop is partially funded by a Department of> Cultural Affairs (DCA) Regrant administered by the Brooklyn Arts> Council