Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Upcoming Events

Our Calendar for the Month of February will be asfollows:February 3rd 2006: OPEN MIC/IGNITE PhotoShoot (forwebsite, promotional materials)
February 11th 2006: GRAB LIFE BY THE BALLZ theatreproduction Casting Call
February 18th 2006: Video Production (Viewing ofpsa/short film projects from group)
February 25th 2006: Theatre Workshop for ChristopherStreet & Grab Life...Cast membersAny questions, please contact me via e-mail or atextension 102 (I've moved cubicles)Please remember to check out our blog, if you want to add something to it, please e-mail Wesley Beeks @ olocun@hotmail.com

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Auditions for Christopher Street

Calling all actors and entertainment professionals!!

CHRISTOPHER STREET- Da Ignite Project is casting "Christopher Street." Four minority gay friends living in NYC. Directed by Allison Juszkiewicz. Pilot filmed in NYC, February. Seeking- Chris: Early 20's, African-American, gay, mature, West Village, Southern Accent, LEAD; Shawn: Early 20's, African-American, flamboyant, fashionable, Diva, LEAD; Ashton: 16-18 gay, questionable, innocent, LEAD OVER 18; Brian:20's. player, rooms with Ashton, metrosexual, hip-hopish LEAD; Melissa: Late 20's, naive; Miss Lola: 30's, Drag Queen, Chris's Uncle; Thomas: 60+ white male, family man, in closet; Brandon: Late 20's, gay, masculine, honest; Seeking extras and television hosts for additional project. Also seeking crew with/without own equipment. Submissions to PO Box 2177, New York, NY 10108 or by 2/2/06, include role of interest. allison_juszkiewicz@hotmail.com (All Auditions are by appointment only). Prepare a monologue. Possible payment. Non-Union (First posted: (1/2/06)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Casting Call !!!!! Casting Call for Christopher Street

Christopher Street is an independent DVD Series that is based around the lives of a diverse group of friends living in New York City. Each character has their own individual struggle ranging from relationshipissues, sexual identity, self love, and acceptance in a not so gayfriendly world. This show will be a major influence in today's society showcasing the young gay life in a positive light. It will demonstratethat with love, support, and comfort from a strong friendship you can survive Christopher Street.

Please send all submissions to or PO BOX 2177 NYC, NY 10108-- Allen O'NealWonder Twin A"See the Appeal"Telephone: 501-960-2526 www.onealappeal.com

Monday, January 09, 2006


121 W. 115th St. Community RoomBet Lenox & Adam

Clayton Powell
New York, NY 100271

Friday, January 06, 2006

Astrological Spotlight!

Among our other guest at the first meeting was Wesley, a metaphyicist, writer and artist. He shared some of his work and has a book coming out soon. The book will focus on Metaphysics , Astrology and the breakdown and personal assignment of the elements (air ,earth, fire, water) in our lives.

He is well versed and studied in Astrology, Numerology and other paranormal sciences. He also does astrological readings which infuses multiple disciplines including Quabalah, Kemet, and meditative principles. He specializes in forecasting using astrological principles to determine the most fortunate days and times for you and provides a personal calendar for you to map out your goals. For an appointment you can contact him at positivemotions@yahoo.com

Charly's Exhibit!

Artist Charly Dominguez, has his first art show at Gallery M located at 123 W 135 St. , Harlem, NY. Call 212-234-4106. They are open T- Saturday 12pm- 6pm and Thurday 1-8 pm. You can also go to www.westonunited.org/galleryym Charly's art work is and eccletitc mix of Folklore, Mysticism, and surrealist images woven inside of cultural artifacts and tapestries. The show opens December 3, 2005 and Closes January 31, 2006. Please come and support him and the artistic community.

Spotlight on Author - Rob Bless

We were gifted to have author Rob Bless come by and read for us and his writings spoke a distinctive and powerful voice about homophobia, violence and love. You must get this man's book he delves into the chasms of spirituality and sexuality with a finite vision that pummels the pedestrian mind. He shared his trials to get the book published and how his journey led to insights about the human condition and being an artist.

Fall in to the Sky" is a manuscript of poetry which contains passionate honesty about life and living. This body of work is diverse and explores several subjects; such as love, war, race, sexuality, poverty and spirituality. Both free-form verse and traditional styles can be found inside this book. The content is tender, intense and moving. This collection of poems reveals much about the author's perceptions of the world, and his role within it. “Everyday I am more and more convinced that my purpose is not to take, but to give To bless the world with what little I have To share my uniqueness and my truth… Despite the cost.” - Rob Bless - (Contains Some Mature Language & Subject Matter
to order his book you can go to amazon.com or www.coldtreepress.com/catalog/book/83

Welcome to the Jump Off!!

Welcome all to Art is the Jump Off!!

Take a dip in our celestial waters and get ready to evolve as an artist.

Through art all is made possible and we become better beings by sharing our gifts. Let me just say thank you to everybody for coming to the first meeting and we will have many more coming. We had author Rob Bless at our last meeting and many other important guest came through. I look forward to all of us healing ourselves and creating only the best work we can do through growing and giving. This is 2006 and in this year I pledge to have all of us have our projects completed and ready for distribution. ASE!!! Please check here for any updates and schedule changes for our group.

Charly- " Art is about being funky and real to oneself. Just do the work and let it grow"

Tonight 7pm-9pm
121 W. 115th St. Community Room
Bet Lenox & Adam Clayton Powell
New York, NY 10027