Auditions for Christopher Street
Calling all actors and entertainment professionals!!
CHRISTOPHER STREET- Da Ignite Project is casting "Christopher Street." Four minority gay friends living in NYC. Directed by Allison Juszkiewicz. Pilot filmed in NYC, February. Seeking- Chris: Early 20's, African-American, gay, mature, West Village, Southern Accent, LEAD; Shawn: Early 20's, African-American, flamboyant, fashionable, Diva, LEAD; Ashton: 16-18 gay, questionable, innocent, LEAD OVER 18; Brian:20's. player, rooms with Ashton, metrosexual, hip-hopish LEAD; Melissa: Late 20's, naive; Miss Lola: 30's, Drag Queen, Chris's Uncle; Thomas: 60+ white male, family man, in closet; Brandon: Late 20's, gay, masculine, honest; Seeking extras and television hosts for additional project. Also seeking crew with/without own equipment. Submissions to PO Box 2177, New York, NY 10108 or by 2/2/06, include role of interest. (All Auditions are by appointment only). Prepare a monologue. Possible payment. Non-Union (First posted: (1/2/06)
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